Reefer cargo
Refrigerated Transport
MARFRET: an expert in refrigerated cargo transportation
The refrigerated or reefer container has revolutionized the carriage of fresh or fragile produce such as foodstuffs. Shipping in an insulated box means fewer transshipment operations and less risk of breaking the cold chain.
In its constant effort to innovate, Marfret has extended reefer capacity to all its shipping lines to offer its clients a reliable and economic solution that is totally adapted to their requirements: operational flexibility and service reliability.
Operational flexibility of the reefer container
The fresh produce market is expanding rapidly. Conventional cargo ships carrying perishable goods in refrigerated holds are today facing competition from refrigerated containers. Shipping by reefer container on regular services allows Marfret’s clients an enormous degree of operational flexibility:
• regular, frequent transport services;
• time saving at port calls.
Marfret’s service reliability in the transport of reefer containers
Equipped with the latest technology, Marfret’s vessels use a centralized control system to monitor the reefer’s functioning throughout the entire voyage.
The reefer temperature is set by the shipper and checked by Marfret’s specialist teams throughout its journey.
Contact : Angela Cruzado +33 (0)4 88 56 91 17 acruzado@marfret.fr