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All sails out for the Rouen Armada

In keeping with tradition, the most beautiful rigs and galleons from around the world will gather for the Armada of Rouen to participate in this great maritime parade between the 6th and 16th of June. The event this year gives Marfret an opportunity to invite its customers to participate in this great celebration of all things maritime and to discover the company’s new multimodal offer.

Around one hundred specially invited guests (freight forwarders, importers and exporters) will be able to take their seats on board the Corsaire with a front row view of the Armada and the chance to discover Marfret’s multi-modal facilities at the Grand Couronne-Moulineaux. Guillaume Vidil says “Together with DLS, our partner, we are developing significant logistics services behind the terminal in Rouen with container stuffing and unstuffing services and cross docking operations included in the package. In Rouen Marfret has 6 quayside warehouses including the 10,000 m2 taken over from Novandie. We are also in the running to takeover two additional warehouses .”

Whilst many of the major shipping lines have abandoned direct calls at Rouen, Marfret intends to maintain the historic links to the rest of the world, particularly for imports and exports from and to Asia, via its twice weekly Fluviomaritime shuttle service which connects Rouen and Le Havre. The terminal at Rouen is at the heart of the Haropa system and the international distribution platform “Rouen Vallée de Seine Logistique”. Through its partnership with DLS, Marfret is able to be as close as possible to its customers, offering them tailor-made services, including ‘last mile’ logistics.