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Legal mentions

Editor and Hosting Designer


13 quai de la joliette 13002 MARSEILLE

Tel :

Share Capital: €5,000,000

Siret : 339 834 178 00016

RCS Marseille : 339 834 178

VAT Number: FR 51 339 834 178

Publication Director: Guillaume VIDIL

Designer and Host :


Bat A4 Europarc Pichaury,
1330 Rue JRGG de la Lauzière

Les Milles

13290 Aix-en-Provence

Email : contact@e-partenaire.fr
Tel : 04 86 87 03 09
General Terms of Use of the Site

1. Security and Privacy

By accessing this website, you agree to the following legal conditions without any restrictions:

MARFRET reserves the right to modify these general terms of use at any time and without notice. By accessing this website, you accept these modifications.

MARFRET may update the information and services of the company detailed on this website at any time and without delay.

2. Intellectual Property

All elements of the site are the intellectual and exclusive property of MARFRET.

Any reproduction, even partial, exploitation, rebroadcasting, or use of the elements of the site, whether textual, software, visual, or audio, is strictly prohibited.

Unless otherwise stated, all information, articles, and images are protected by copyright. Any use without the prior written consent of MARFRET is prohibited.

Image Rights:

  • 2nd slide of the slider: Image by kjpargeter on Freepik 3D render of a widescreen ocean landscape
  • Testimonial Section: Image by tawatchai07 on Freepik aerial-view-container-cargo-ship-sea
  • Port of Barcelona Page: Image by bearfotos on Freepik port-barcelone-pendant-soiree-espagne
  • For the watercolors: Yvan Salomone
  • For the images extracted from our 2024 calendar: Pierre Buttin.

3. Liability

MARFRET or a third party linked to MARFRET disclaims any responsibility for direct or indirect damage resulting from access to this website and/or use of the information contained therein.

MARFRET will not be liable for any direct or indirect loss resulting from the erroneous or unjustified transmission of information to a third party, nor for unauthorized access by any third party to said information. Furthermore, MARFRET’s liability cannot be engaged in case of inaccurate and confidential information provided under this service.

MARFRET will not be liable for any damage resulting from a computer virus. It will also not be liable for any damage resulting from unauthorized access by a third party to any information, data, or access code contained on this website.

Areas protected by an identifier and password on the site are accessible only to authorized persons. Any unauthorized person accessing these areas will be subject to legal proceedings.

4. Absence of Guarantee

MARFRET strives to regularly update this website, but its responsibility cannot be engaged regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information contained therein.

MARFRET is not obliged to ensure access to the site and is in no way responsible for interruptions and the consequences that may result.

Any comments and, in general, any data or suggestions provided by the user of this website will become the property of MARFRET and may be used, without restriction, by the MARFRET group. Such comments and/or suggestions are in no way confidential.

5. Applicable Law – Disputes

These General Terms of Use are governed and interpreted by French law. These terms of use are written in French and English. In the event of conflicts of interpretation, the French version shall prevail. Any disputes relating to its use will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

6. GDPR Charter

Maritime Company Marfret (“MARFRET”) may collect personal data concerning you when you use our website.

Since May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into force.

To best guarantee your rights, MARFRET, as data controller, undertakes to comply with this new legislation.

Please read this information carefully.

6.1. What personal data do we collect?

The personal data collected are as follows:

  • Identity and contact details (name, address, phone number, email)
  • Commercial data (contract/order/purchase/use history/services and products…)
  • Accounting (invoices/payment data…)
  • Customer service history (call center details, tickets…)

6.2. What do we use your data for?

Your data is collected and used for the purposes described below:

  • To ensure the execution of a contract to which you are a party or to execute pre-contractual measures taken at your request.
  • To send you newsletters and commercial communications regarding our products and services.

• Your personal information is used in any case in a legitimate interest to develop our business in order to better serve you and meet your expectations.

This purpose shall not, however, prevail over the respect for your freedoms and fundamental rights. At any time, you have the option to withdraw your consent regarding the use and retention of your personal data.

6.3. How long do we keep your data?

Your data is retained for as long as necessary to pursue the purposes previously described and, where applicable, for the duration provided by law.

Commercial and accounting data are retained for 10 years in accordance with French commercial legislation (Article L123-22, paragraph 2 of the Commercial Code).

We keep marketing data for 3 years from the date of collection. After this period, this data is then deleted.

Commercial and contact data may be retained longer to comply with applicable commercial laws.

Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser window. Persistent cookies generally last for 3 months and a maximum of 2 years.

6.4. With whom do we share your data?

We only communicate or share your data in the following cases:

  • • With MARFRET group companies: only authorized personnel whose activity justifies access to the information, for internal audit, administrative management, or billing purposes, but also to ensure you receive the same quality of service regardless of the country in which you place an order.
  • With service providers acting on our behalf.
  • When we are legally required to do so or when necessary to comply with applicable law: for example, to respond to a court order.

6.5. Cookies

We may collect certain information through cookies.

A “Cookie” is a text file that records information about your interactions with a particular website. There are several types of cookies:

  • “Temporary cookies” or “session cookies”: which are deleted when you close your browser window.
  • “Permanent cookies” or “persistent cookies”: which store information more permanently on your computer’s hard drive.

Cookies can make it easier to use websites by allowing the server to quickly access certain information :

Session cookies can be used to facilitate your navigation and may appear when you visit a website with which our site has certain relationships (e.g., the website of an affiliated company).

Persistent cookies may be used when you customize our website. This is very concretely reflected by storing certain data about you such as your language preferences, location, display settings, or certain recurring data used during each visit to our website.

Using these cookies is an effective way to improve the quality of our services in a manner more suited to your needs.

You always have the option to oppose the use of these cookies. To accept or refuse the installation of cookies, you must configure your internet browser. In some cases, refusing cookies may prevent you from accessing certain features of the site. You can configure them as follows:

Under Microsoft Internet Explorer

  1. Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”
  2. Click on the “Privacy” tab
  3. Select the desired level using the slider

Under Mozilla Firefox

  1. Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Options” »
  2. Click on the “Privacy” tab
  3. In the “Retention Rules” dropdown, select the desired level

Under Google Chrome

  1. Click on the icon to display the settings menu
  2. Click on “Options”
  3. In the “History” section, select “use custom settings for history”
  4. Choose the desired level

Under Safari

  1. Click on the “Safari” menu
  2. Click on “Preferences”
  3. In the “Security” tab, select the desired level


6.6. What are your rights?

You have at any time:

  • The right to access your personal data
  • The right to rectify your inaccurate or incomplete personal data
  • The right to erase your personal data
  • The right to limit the processing of your personal data
  • The right to data portability: this is the right to receive in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, the personal data freely communicated to the data controller and the right to transmit this data to another data controller.
  • The right to object to the processing or transfer of your personal data

These rights refer to and apply in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned European data protection regulation without any extension of prerogative being applied.

Finally, you always have the option to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

6.7. Protection of Your Personal Data

We ensure an adequate level of protection for your data and will ensure that appropriate technical and organizational security

Cependant, dans la mesure où internet n’est pas complètement sécurisé, nous ne pouvons garantir que vos informations personnelles stockées ou envoyées seront totalement sécurisées. Nous vous encourageons à faire preuve de prudence lorsque vous utilisez internet pour accéder à notre site internet.

6.8. Modification de la politique

Notre politique est susceptible d’être modifiée pour refléter les évolutions dans la manière dont nous traitons vos données à caractère personnel. Nous veillerons à ce que vous soyez informés de tout changement important. Nous publierons également une mise à jour de cette Politique sur le site.

6.9. Nous contacter

En cas de violation, de réclamation,  ou pour toute question en lien avec le traitement de vos données à caractère personnel, vous pouvez contacter notre délégué  à la protection des données :

  • Par mail : dpo@marfret.fr
  • Par courrier : à l’attention du Service juridique – Data Protection Officer, 13 quai de la joliette 13002 MARSEILLE.

Lorsque vous nous contactez, nous sommes susceptibles de vous demander  des informations complémentaires afin de nous assurer de votre identité. Une fois ces vérifications réalisées, nous évaluons votre demande et vous fournissons une réponse dans les plus brefs délais.